Friday, February 25, 2005

Praying for the Pope

"Pope John Paul II has released a new controversial book where he suggests same-sex marriage is part of an "ideology of evil" and draws an analogy between abortion and the Holocaust."

This type of hatred cannot be tolerated. In my country if I wrote a book and stated that gay marriage was evil I may be charged with a hate crime.

The Pope should be respected for holding true to his faith, but as society changes (and the Catholic church is always the last to jump on board) we must take responsibility to argue against statements that are both ridiculous and harmful. If the Pope had said that evolution is the new ideology of evil, I would not have been concerned. No people were attacked by a statement like that. It is doubtful that scientists will be assaulted in bars. But homosexuals are much more of a target to pathetic individuals who could justify their actions with the words of the Pope.

I am tired of his defenders stating all the good he has done (I agree he has done some good) with statements like John Paul II has seen the fall of communism. Well so have I, but John Paul was no more responsible for the fall of communism than I was. Lets not forget he has also seen the rise of pedophilia within the church, and this is an area where he has some power.

I do not wish any ill will for a man who has devoted his life to his faith, but I will always point out the fallacy of his beliefs and all others who believe as he does. Sooner or later their will be a new pope and while I wish we could just scrap the whole religion altogether, I know this will not happen (yet). So the best we can hope for at this stage is a Pope that grew up in another generation and is somewhat more worldly in his views. Perhaps a Pope who lived through the sixties. This way changes that swept western society 45 years ago could finally reach the Vatican.